“ The Turkic languages are a homogeneous group of about 20 languages, which are for the most part mutually intelligible. The most important, of course, is Turkish, which accounts for about 40 percent of all Turkic speakers. ”It was not clear whether the name, with a letter that doesn’t exist in the English alphabet, will catch on widely abroa
Ağrı Ile ilgili detaylı notlar
A?r?'n?n önemli k?? turizmi merkezlerinden Güneykaya Kayak Merkezi’ne de sadece 6 kilometre uzakl?kta görev vadi Ele?kirt, bu nedenle k?? aylar?nda düzenlenen kar yürüyü?leri ve da? t?rman??lar?n?n da müstehap mola noktalar?ndan biri konumunda.Angoras are bred mainly for their wool because it is silky and soft. They have a humorous appear